
Daisies and Daisy Bouquets

Sweet yet simple, daisies bring smiles for days! These gorgeous flowers make a subtle statement in any bouquet they’re placed in, with their iconic petal shape and accented center. For the perfect way to brighten their mood, send them a gorgeous bouquet of daisies today.

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$60 - $128
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Send Daisy Flower Bouquets to their Door

Make their daisy with a whole bouquet of these gorgeous beauties. There’s something about this sweet bloom that just radiates happiness. It may be their bright colors or how these sun-kissed blooms always put their best petal forward. Daisy flowers bring a smile to everyone’s face as soon as they arrive at their doorstep, home, or office. The best way to brighten someone’s day is with our collection of daisies online.

Make Them Happy with a Daisy Bouquet

Like most flowers, daisy bouquets have different meanings based on their unique colors. The shared meaning among all daisy flower is innocence, purity, and true love. This flower has such a powerful impact, its move from the blooming gardens to our vocabulary, with daisy flower saying like “oppy daisy” or “whoops-a-daisy” when someone makes a mistake or trips up.

Daisy Bouquets Delivered

Unsure what bouquet to send them? We have a vast collection of daisies for sale, so there’s plenty of options to choose from to find their favorite bouquet. If they like everything colorful, pick out a bouquet of bright and bold gerbera daisies to delight them. If they love an array of texture, our mixed daisy bouquets come with plenty of blooms that complement each other. Daisy may be their favorite flower, and who can blame them?! Get a bouquet of daisies delivered right to their door to make it super special. For occasions like birthday, anniversaries, and everything in between, send a thoughtful gesture with a daisy bouquet from Proflowers.