Simple Charm Bouquet


Simple Charm Bouquet

Capture the beauty of the seasons in bloom with our Simple Charm Bouquet. Gorgeous blooms such as peach spray roses, green button pompon, pink mini carnations and lavender cushion pompons fill a weathered wooden box with freshness. Whether you're saying thank you to a special friend or sharing the most heartfelt get-well message, this arrangement is a breathtaking gift for your loved ones to cherish.

Please Note: The bouquet pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems to deliver the freshest bouquet possible, and we may sometimes need to use a different vase.


  • The Deluxe Bouquet is approximately 11"H x 15"W.
  • Designed by florists, ready to display.
  • For long–lasting blooms, add water daily.

Bloom Details

  • Carnation
  • Rose
  • Lavender

Fresh & Safe Delivery

The health and safety of our customers, florists and growers is top priority. During this time, we will not require a signature for delivery. All orders will no longer be hand delivered, but be left at the front door with no contact and (as always) ready to delight.

Designed To Delight

We have a simple goal – delight our customers with flowers that are high quality, fresh, and beautiful. While we may occasionally need to substitute for color or flower variety, we promise that the blooms you receive will be fresh and wow you or your gift recipient.

Order within for same-day delivery.